Ben Sasso recently sent over the photos below. Love the look of real flowers! These were done by The Conservatorie. If you are interested in real flowers for your wedding day, check with your florists to see if they can create something beautiful for you! So gorgeous!
So, where can you get this look? Well, if you are looking for a crown of real flowers, you can either DIY it yourself or I recommend having your florist create it since it can be a bit tricky depending which type of flowers you are using. And you want to make sure your flowers are alive and pretty when you walk down the aisle!
Another option is to buy (or DIY since we’ll be sharing how later today!) your flower crown. There are so many talented designers out there with their own spin on the trend using either fabric, silk or dried flowers. Some of my faves I recommend checking out for this trend include (starting at the top right): Twigs & Honey, Whichgoose, Mignonne Handmade, Lo Boheme, Ruche
To begin, you’ll create the base of the flower crown out of two pieces of floral wire. Mold and gently bend each piece into a half circle. Face the half circles opposite of each other to create a circle and lay it over the top of your head to check the fit. It should be quite snug as the addition of flowers will eventually weigh the crown down. Wrap both overlapping sections tightly with floral tape.
Before adding the flowers to the base, you’ll create several small clusters of flowers. This avoids having to attach each flower individually and overloading the crown with tape. Pick a flower and continue adding 4-5 flowers, each one nestled right below the other. Tightly wrap the base with floral tape. Trim the tips if necessary.
Once you’ve made 10-15 clusters, start adding them to the base. Position a cluster of flowers against the outside of the wire base and wrap tightly with floral tape. Overlap the second cluster over the first and wrap tightly with tape. Continue layering clusters in the same direction until the entire base is filled. Spray the crown with water or keep it in a cool place until you’re ready to wear it!
STEP 1: Get your supplies! I bought all of my supplies at Michael’s, but any craft store should suffice. What you will need is a handful of selected silk flowers, wire cutters/pliers, heavy rustic floral wire for the base, thin floral wire (green) to attach the flowers, and floral tape or ribbon (both optional).
STEP 2: Take your rustic floral wire and shape it into a circle that fits comfortably on your head. I would suggest making it a little loose because the flowers end up making it fit a bit snugger at the end.
STEP 3: Begin arranging your flowers on the base and decide the general placement of the flowers prior to attaching them. Once decided, start from the back and begin working forward. Take your thin green floral wire and secure each flower into place by wrapping tightly around the base several times (or until you feel like it is secure).
STEP 4: For the larger flowers, there was not enough of a stem for me to securely attach it to the crown, so I improvised, and first went underneath the bottom of the rose and tightly wrapped the wire underneath the green base of the flower between the petals and the stem. Make sure to cut the wire long enough to be able to first wrap around the bottom of the flower as well as still wrap around the crown afterward.
STEP 5: Continue the process moving around to the front of the crown and to the opposite side. There is really no “right” way to arrange your flowers. Just play with it until you feel like they lie the way you like.
STEP 6: You can choose to wrap your flowers around the entire circle of the crown, or, like I did, only go 3/4 around the base. If you decide to only go 3/4, you can finish it off by wrapping the back with floral wire or ribbon. I decided to leave mine as it was because I liked the natural look of it. Voila! You have yourself a flower crown!