
Sep 21, 2011

Love Her Give Her Flowers

     You want her be luck,then make you love see by her , give her some flowers for make her happy.
     Use dreaming consciously as meditation and know well that conscious dreaming opens new doors of perception. Lie down, relax; and dream but do not fall asleep; remain conscious in the background; wait and watch; dream anything that happens to your mind: do not plan beforehand; dream anything because in dream the whole world is yours; dream your existence as you please; dream and be content, content with your dreams because they are yours, and remember that nothing can be yours like your dreams because you yourself are a dream entity! — and also because your wishes come to be true in your dreams, and only in your dreams. But do not fall into identification. Be a witness. Remain aware. And then suddenly there will be no dreaming. Only you and illumination.

     Man is not the end but only the means Man is not really a being but only a tension between two planes of being. Man is a bridge only, that is why man cannot remain satisfied with himself. His heart is nothing but a continent of discontent and his very being is anguish. Religion is the wish to pass beyond himself as he now is. That is why I say man can never be irreligious; that is impossible; he can pretend to be but he cannot be. Religion is not something accidental or circumstantial, it is in the very nature of man. Man is a religious animal and man is nothing if man is not a desire to transcend himself. He can go below himself, or he can go above but he cannot remain himself. He cannot be rest. That is why there is restlessness
    Goethe is said to have cried when dying: Light, light, more light! And Miguel Unamuno has responded with his: No — warmth, warmth, more warmth! For we die of cold and not of darkness! But I say to you that we die neither because of cold nor because of darkness but because of our lust for living or because of our fear of death — which is to say the same thing in different terms. Do not look at death as opposite to life, because it is not. And live death moment to moment, do not postpone it for the end because that creates fear. Die each moment to the past, and then each moment you will be fresh, young and reborn. And then there is light always because the very darkness becomes light, and warmth also, because only the dead past is cold. THE PRESENT IS ALWAYS WARM.

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