About Dahlias
Dahlias are a plant that have a seemingly endless classification of flower types. Some are classified as single while others are double and some grow like round balls of petals. The flowers range in size from one inch to a foot in diameter. Likewise the variety of dahlias available to the grower range in height from less than one foot to over seven feet. Dahlia color range is also great and allows you the chance to grow many varieties for different effects in your garden.
Dahlias bllom from midsummer through the first frost of late fall or winter and some even manage to last a bit beyond this. They do great as late bloomers in perennial plantings such as borders, but are also attractive as stand-alone plantings.
Dahlia flowers survive well as cuttings so if you grow them feel free to bring some in to your dining room table. They are both graceful and often explosive with color.

Dahlia will prefer full sun, but will also tolerate light shade. Fertile, rich soil with an abundance of potassium and phosphorus will be appreciated by these flowers. If your soil tends toward acidity then adding lime to your soil can be key to a successful dahlia planting.
Plant new dahlia roots about a week before the date of your average last frost. You will lay them horizontally in a hole about six to eight inches deep. If you will be growing a tall variety you may want to place the stake in the ground at the time of planting the root in order that you do not accidentally hurt the root later when putting a stake in the ground for support.
If you want bushier plants that do not gow as tall you may pinch back dahlias when they are about ten to twelves inches tall.

Pests / Disease
Thrips, mites,aphids and slugs are the most likely pests to take interest in the dahlia in your garden.
There are thousands of cultivars of dahlia and nearly all are superb for cuttings. Cut flowers just before opening to provide the longest term display. With all the varieties available it is possible to make a stunning display of flowers for the table just from dahlia.