
Sep 29, 2011

Scared Lotus Flower and Bud


Nelumbo Cultivar


This cherry red lotus flower was spotted earlier this summer. I liked being able to sprout and bloom. Shot 80-200mm / 2.8 lens. The lens is very good, even if it was bought "used". I actually came in good condition, and shows that the old and new lenses for digital cameras do not mix well.

From what I can say from 80 to 200 were produced in the early 1990s. It is equipped with an old Nikon Zoom push-pull, which is a bit strange, since I really used to the system to modern two rings on the lenses other than I have. It's really a minor thing and easy to use once you get the hang of it. One thing about the lens, there is little difficulty in dealing with its physical size. It is big and heavy, but the hand holding it for a good shot is not bad, but I do not want to do all day. People often have a double take when you're in public, and it is against my policy to photograph incognito.

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