We. Are. MOVING!!! After 21 years, 9 months, 11 days* in the same location, Purdyville is relocating twenty minutes further out to the middle of nowhere. We are just about doubling our floor space, with 167% more bedrooms and 250% more bathrooms. Total acreage will be less than we currently have, but, trust me, there is still plenty of space to garden in!While I’ve got your attention, I’d like to mention that Timber Press is giving away a copy of Seeing Trees, one of their newly released titles, plus an original print from the book. All you have to do to enter is submit your email address at the link in the previous sentence. I had a chance to look through this book at the Seattle Fling, and it is drop-dead gorgeous. If you love trees, or if you love good photography, you will love this book. The giveaway ends on September 9th, so hurry on over there. And while you’re there, check
All the best to you and yours at your new house and garden. Sometimes we wonder about starting all over again with our gardens, what we might do differently than the first time. You have that opportunity to leave the plants behind that didn’t earn their real estate, and use your acreage as a palette for the garden of your future. Although moving is never easy, having a new place and terra firma gives one an outlet for creativity and putting down new roots. xo Julia & Eric from Michigan.

Since ancient times, flowers in people’s lives play a huge role. They have always been associated with love, joy, cheerfulness and good humor. Our forefathers gave flowers not only on holidays, but also the simple days because he believed that the magic of flowers can lift a person on the diseased feet, inspired by the lightness of life. Flower in ancient time, after a man born, pick, dried, and always carry it with, they were like a guardian angel, the safety of the plagues, disasters, and energy vampirism.Nature has created a lot of different flowers.
Each of the two hundred thousand species of these beautiful plants on our planet has its own unique, beautiful and unusual, all raise a lot of joyful emotions and feelings. Flowers not only make our lives a lot of light, but they clean the air around us, fills it with oxygen, light and delicate flavor. Scientists have long been proven that this beautiful piece of nature can absorb negative energy, give us a positively charged particle. Many scientific experiments confirmed that the vegetation has energy and have an impact of external effects – pain, death, affection.Each Flower is caused by a variety of feelings you only need to be specific in its unique charm and character. Every Flower in addition to it’s specific aroma, beauty and aesthetic effect itself has some kind of hidden symbolism, the inner mind, which sometimes can even explain it-like character traits of people.