Orchids bloom if they feel a 10 degree decrease in temperature at night. If you are growing orchids in such a place where seasonal weather can take care of temperature change then it is well and good otherwise you will have to adjust your thermostat.
In order to know about requirement of light, you will require examining color of orchid leaves. If leaves are dark green, it indicates more light requirements while on the other hand, yellowish, green or red leaves show that orchids are receiving too much of light. When I started growing orchids I made a mistake in determining light requirements so I would recommend you to properly take care of this matter because light requirements affect blooming of flowers.
Lighting should be adjusted gradually because light requirements vary with the types of orchids. Light should be increased in stages until a lush green shade appears in leaves. Increment in light is recommended to be gradual as extreme increase in sunlight can make orchids burn.
Remember that if orchids are grown in crowd, they are less likely to bloom. For this you can see whether roots are pressed against the side of pot or not. If it happens then you are required to repot orchid plant.
Watering carefully is another factor that needs special care because too much or too little watering can both spoil your plant. Orchids only bloom when watering conditions are absolutely right. Orchids should be watered only when surface of soil becomes dry. While watering orchids, also make sure that extra water is drained out of pot. For this pot should have drainage holes.
If you still feel that your efforts are not drawing desired results, you can visit a greenhouse. The staff there will give you important tips regarding blooming of that particular type of orchid which you have grown.
I hope that these tips are good enough for you to make your orchid bloom so follow these and have healthy orchid blooms.