
Jun 26, 2012

Know About The Tulip's Habits And Plant It

You may love roses best, but there are a lot of people who love tulips best, they are not only beautiful and colorful, but also easy to plant bu ourselves. Tulips are a favorite of cutting gardens, especially in the north, blooms of tulips are one of season's first flowers in a garden and for a vase inside.

Tulip is the most popular flower in Netherlands, and there are also a lot of kinds of flowers and species, and they can live longer and bloom earlier compared with the other hybrid types, so these types of tulips are good choices for naturalizing in open areas.

 Tulip is also a good choice to make part of a container garden, especially in pots with wide planting surfaces. Triumphs, doubles and Darwins are good for this purpose. The exotic looking parrot tulip Estella Rijnveld has red and white splashes on the petals and is a late flowering tulip.

Tulips are developed especially for forcing during winter months in time to bloom very early spring indoors. It is possible to layer different types of spring blooming bulbs in the same pot. Fragrant tulips should be planted where the scent can be appreciated. Gardens near a patio or along a walkway are good choices.

Gardeners can choose hybrids with scented blooms such as the single early Apricot Beauty or look for fragrant triumphs and parrot tulip varieties. Parrot tulips have irregular petals that look curled, twisted, or cut. Some parrot tulips have variegated leaves, adding another look to scented gardens.

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