
May 21, 2012

Finishing Your Relationship Amicably Without Harm

Women, we are easily hurt by those relationships we have that does not work out well. We tend to work on things just to forget about it or sometimes we want to end our lives which will eventually not the solution. How do we end up a relationship in which we will not be hurt so much?
Breaking up and finishing your relationship amicably, or dealing with a divorce in a mutually respectful way. It all becomes more manageable and less messy.
end a relationship
Can anyone be good enough to forget the hurt that has gone through the relationship? This question that must be analyzed between a man and a woman who have ended the relationship they had with one another. How graceful we are to accept the fact that we are not so perfect enough to plan every step in our relationship with a man.
Being dumped is one of the most devastating things that happens in life. Therefore, one should always weigh the reasons for walking out, making sure of this decision before making it final. Once you are sure, though, it's important to remember that your soon-to-be ex was once your love. Although breaking thisrelationship off is certain to be painful, especially for the person being dumped, it's important to be respectful of the other person's feelings, and try hard to do as little damage as possible.
Talk Early and Often – The time of the actual breakup should not be the first time your partner is made aware that you have issues with how things are going. A good friend of mine is fond of saying that relationships are much like driving a car. As long as small steering corrections are made as one rolls down the road, a large jerk of the wheel should never be required.
Always End It in Person – There is nothing more cowardly and pathetic than ending a relationship over the phone, or even worse, through an e-mail or text message. Yet, more and more men are finding this an acceptable medium for cutting ties.
If you can’t handle the prospect of ending a relationship in person, you shouldn’t start one in the first place.
Be Clear – The breakup is not the time to be vague or mysterious. Your lady friend will most likely want some specific reasons why you want to end the relationship, so be ready to provide them. A non-answer like, “I’m just not feeling it anymore,” only shows that you are either a coward or a narcissist, but definitely not a man.You don’t necessarily need a record of wrongs, but having a mental list of things that led you down this road will help the discussion move in the right direction.
Be Considerate – While clarity is necessary, being cruel is not. Breaking up is hard enough without being demeaned or berated in the process. The breakup is not the time to be telling her that the dress she wore on your anniversary actually did make her look fat or that you’ve met dogs with better breath.
No Hanging Chads – No one likes uncertainty. Remember the hanging chad controversy during the 2000 presidential election? The most frustrating aspect of the situation was not being able to tell who citizens had actually voted for. In the same way, men often leave the relationship in an unsettled manner with words that indicate a possibility of picking things up again in the future. Is it over? Is it not? No one knows.
Find yourself a quiet space, perhaps in the bath or some other place you naturally relax. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing slowing down. And when you are nice and relaxed…just begin to imagine watching yourself from the outside looking composed and poised as you calmly tell your partner that it’s over. The more strongly you do this, the more you’ll prime your mind and emotions to feel the right way about doing the right thing. Or let me help you by clicking on the free audio link below.

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