People need to be heard and understood, is the same - need to spend the people's understanding of.
In today’s day and age there are many uses for modern flower arrangements. Maybe you’re a real estate agent showing off a new home and you ...
1 of the greatest presents that somebody would get are flowers they symbolize your accurate emotions towards individuals you adore. Flowers ...
Sep 29, 2011
Scared Lotus Flower and Bud
Nelumbo Cultivar
This cherry red lotus flower was spotted earlier this summer. I liked being able to sprout and bloom. Shot 80-200mm / 2.8 lens. The lens is very good, even if it was bought "used". I actually came in good condition, and shows that the old and new lenses for digital cameras do not mix well.
From what I can say from 80 to 200 were produced in the early 1990s. It is equipped with an old Nikon Zoom push-pull, which is a bit strange, since I really used to the system to modern two rings on the lenses other than I have. It's really a minor thing and easy to use once you get the hang of it. One thing about the lens, there is little difficulty in dealing with its physical size. It is big and heavy, but the hand holding it for a good shot is not bad, but I do not want to do all day. People often have a double take when you're in public, and it is against my policy to photograph incognito.
Sep 28, 2011
The Forester
The Forester gloves are gorgeous, but much warmer, so I really haven’t worn them much. The elastic gusset across the knuckles gives them a lot more flexibility than similar leather gloves. They are so good-looking that I am tempted to take them out of my gardening tote and stick them in the car to be my winter driving gloves. They are definitely more flexible than my current driving gloves, which are made from polar fleece with leather palms.
Fields and Lane is new to gardening but not to gloves. It is an offshoot of Laughlin Cartrell, which makes gloves and other accessories for the lumber industry. I asked Nadia why they started making gardening gloves. “Although there are quite a few gardening gloves out there a small number of them have the quality and durability that this market deserves.” Did you hear that? Nadia thinks gardeners deserve quality and durability.
Fields and Lane is new to gardening but not to gloves. It is an offshoot of Laughlin Cartrell, which makes gloves and other accessories for the lumber industry. I asked Nadia why they started making gardening gloves. “Although there are quite a few gardening gloves out there a small number of them have the quality and durability that this market deserves.” Did you hear that? Nadia thinks gardeners deserve quality and durability.
Sep 27, 2011
Trees Giveaway
We. Are. MOVING!!! After 21 years, 9 months, 11 days* in the same location, Purdyville is relocating twenty minutes further out to the middle of nowhere. We are just about doubling our floor space, with 167% more bedrooms and 250% more bathrooms. Total acreage will be less than we currently have, but, trust me, there is still plenty of space to garden in!
Seeing Trees Giveaway
While I’ve got your attention, I’d like to mention that Timber Press is giving away a copy of Seeing Trees, one of their newly released titles, plus an original print from the book. All you have to do to enter is submit your email address at the link in the previous sentence. I had a chance to look through this book at the Seattle Fling, and it is drop-dead gorgeous. If you love trees, or if you love good photography, you will love this book. The giveaway ends on September 9th, so hurry on over there. And while you’re there, check
All the best to you and yours at your new house and garden. Sometimes we wonder about starting all over again with our gardens, what we might do differently than the first time. You have that opportunity to leave the plants behind that didn’t earn their real estate, and use your acreage as a palette for the garden of your future. Although moving is never easy, having a new place and terra firma gives one an outlet for creativity and putting down new roots. xo Julia & Eric from Michigan
Seeing Trees Giveaway
While I’ve got your attention, I’d like to mention that Timber Press is giving away a copy of Seeing Trees, one of their newly released titles, plus an original print from the book. All you have to do to enter is submit your email address at the link in the previous sentence. I had a chance to look through this book at the Seattle Fling, and it is drop-dead gorgeous. If you love trees, or if you love good photography, you will love this book. The giveaway ends on September 9th, so hurry on over there. And while you’re there, check
All the best to you and yours at your new house and garden. Sometimes we wonder about starting all over again with our gardens, what we might do differently than the first time. You have that opportunity to leave the plants behind that didn’t earn their real estate, and use your acreage as a palette for the garden of your future. Although moving is never easy, having a new place and terra firma gives one an outlet for creativity and putting down new roots. xo Julia & Eric from Michigan
Sep 25, 2011
This marks the third time ‘Harvest Moon’ Coneflower has made it onto this blog. This little patch had a lighter color scheme then most ‘Harvest Moon’ and I have to confess I have been enjoying some muted colors in the garden’s palette. Don’t get me wrong I still love bold colors but have become fonder of the subtle color displays too and might even start designing with that in mind.
You can see a Bumble Bee was about the flowers and I was pleased to see some Honeybees around too. There seems to be more and more Yellow Jackets and fewer Honeybees then ever.
It was wildlife week at the Estate or so it seemed. Upon arriving for work on Monday a group of several Coyotes were in the woods raising a heck of a racket. We couldn’t see them but the calls were a little nerve wracking. It reminded me not to bring my dogs to work. They would have been running to see the source of the noise.
We also had a Red Tailed Hawk swoop in and grab a Chipmunk. The Chipmunks have had a population explosion and it was nice to see a predator take one. It all happened in a blur and took a couple of seconds to actually figure out what happened.
Yesterday I decided to prune the male Winterberry Holly because it was hiding one of the females that has a good berry crop this year. Right next to me was a super big Butterfly Bush at eye level. I am not sure what happened but the Butterfly Bushes got bigger than ever this year. Most of them are grown from seedlings and that maybe the reason some got to 20 feet tall. While chopping the head of the Holly a Hummingbird flew in to feed on the Butterfly Bush. It was about 2 feet in front of face and I marveled at its flying and feeding techniques. It was visiting every flower on the stalk (which is hundreds of them) with such precision. The bird never seemed to notice me and flew off after a few minutes. It looked to be on some sort of route.
To top it off we have a large Orb type spider leaving in the front of the shed. Bugs don’t usually bother me (I have seen my share) but this guy gives me the creeps. He is quite industrious completely rebuilding his complicated web several times already. I did notice quite a few flies and mosquitoes in his web so it’s beneficial insect for now.
You can see a Bumble Bee was about the flowers and I was pleased to see some Honeybees around too. There seems to be more and more Yellow Jackets and fewer Honeybees then ever.
It was wildlife week at the Estate or so it seemed. Upon arriving for work on Monday a group of several Coyotes were in the woods raising a heck of a racket. We couldn’t see them but the calls were a little nerve wracking. It reminded me not to bring my dogs to work. They would have been running to see the source of the noise.
We also had a Red Tailed Hawk swoop in and grab a Chipmunk. The Chipmunks have had a population explosion and it was nice to see a predator take one. It all happened in a blur and took a couple of seconds to actually figure out what happened.
Yesterday I decided to prune the male Winterberry Holly because it was hiding one of the females that has a good berry crop this year. Right next to me was a super big Butterfly Bush at eye level. I am not sure what happened but the Butterfly Bushes got bigger than ever this year. Most of them are grown from seedlings and that maybe the reason some got to 20 feet tall. While chopping the head of the Holly a Hummingbird flew in to feed on the Butterfly Bush. It was about 2 feet in front of face and I marveled at its flying and feeding techniques. It was visiting every flower on the stalk (which is hundreds of them) with such precision. The bird never seemed to notice me and flew off after a few minutes. It looked to be on some sort of route.
To top it off we have a large Orb type spider leaving in the front of the shed. Bugs don’t usually bother me (I have seen my share) but this guy gives me the creeps. He is quite industrious completely rebuilding his complicated web several times already. I did notice quite a few flies and mosquitoes in his web so it’s beneficial insect for now.
Sep 23, 2011
British flowers are the source
Researchers are poised to start clinical trials with a new "smart bomb" treatment, derived from the flower, targeted specifically at tumours.
The treatment, called colchicine, was able to slow the growth of and even completely "kill" a range of different cancers, in experiments with mice.
The research was highlighted at the British Science Festival in Bradford.
The team behind it, from the Institute for Cancer Therapeutics (ICT) at the University of Bradford, has published the work in the journal Cancer Research.
The native British Autumn crocus, otherwise known as "meadow saffron" or "naked lady", is recorded in early herbal guides as a treatment for inflammation.
This is because it contains the potent chemical colchicine, which is known to have medicinal properties, including anti-cancer effects.
But colchicine is toxic to other tissues in the body, as well as cancer, so until now its use has been limited.
The researchers at ICT have now altered the colchicine molecule so it is inactive in the body until it reaches the tumour.
Once there, the chemical becomes active and breaks up the blood vessels supplying the tumour, effectively starving it.
This effect is made possible because of enzymes that all tumours produce, whose usual function is to break down the normal cells nearby, allowing the tumour to spread.
The modified colchicine molecule has a protein attached to it that makes it harmless. But the tumour enzyme specifically targets the protein and removes it.
The colchicine is then activated, and the process of breaking down blood vessels and starving the cancerous cells begins.
Optimistic but cautious
One of the things that may make this drug so effective, Professor Patterson said, is that it will be "only active in the tumour, and not cause damage to normal tissue".
Because the enzyme necessary to activate the toxic colchicine is produced only by solid tumours, it may be possible to treat cancers effectively with virtually no side effects to the rest of the body.
The "smart bombs" do not begin to act until they reach tumour tissue
Moreover, as the drug will be activated wherever the enzyme is produced, the delivery mechanism should allow treatment of particularly problematic cases of metastasis, where the cancer spreads from its initial site.
Pre-clinical tests in mice have shown startlingly successful results.
"What we're looking for is a delay in the growth of the tumour," said Professor Patterson.
"But sometimes the treatment is so effective that in half of the studies, the mice appeared to be cured of their cancer. All mice responded to the treatment."
Just one dose of the colchicine produced this remarkable effect. But if it passes clinical tests, the researchers believe it will be used alongside existing cancer treatments, as part of the complex process of tackling the disease.
The researchers hope that the treatment will enter the initial stage of clinical testing at St James's Hospital in Leeds within the next 18 months.
Professor Patterson said that he was "very optimistic about the opportunities of the treatment, but still cautious because everything done to date has been in the laboratory".
Paul Workman, head of cancer therapeutics at the Institute of Cancer Research, called the work an "interesting new approach".
"The project is still at quite an early stage but the results so far look promising in the laboratory models that have been studied," he said.
"If confirmed in more extensive laboratory studies, drugs based on this approach could be very useful as part of combination treatments for various cancers."
The treatment, called colchicine, was able to slow the growth of and even completely "kill" a range of different cancers, in experiments with mice.
The research was highlighted at the British Science Festival in Bradford.
The team behind it, from the Institute for Cancer Therapeutics (ICT) at the University of Bradford, has published the work in the journal Cancer Research.
The native British Autumn crocus, otherwise known as "meadow saffron" or "naked lady", is recorded in early herbal guides as a treatment for inflammation.
This is because it contains the potent chemical colchicine, which is known to have medicinal properties, including anti-cancer effects.
But colchicine is toxic to other tissues in the body, as well as cancer, so until now its use has been limited.
The researchers at ICT have now altered the colchicine molecule so it is inactive in the body until it reaches the tumour.
Once there, the chemical becomes active and breaks up the blood vessels supplying the tumour, effectively starving it.
This effect is made possible because of enzymes that all tumours produce, whose usual function is to break down the normal cells nearby, allowing the tumour to spread.
The modified colchicine molecule has a protein attached to it that makes it harmless. But the tumour enzyme specifically targets the protein and removes it.
The colchicine is then activated, and the process of breaking down blood vessels and starving the cancerous cells begins.
Optimistic but cautious
One of the things that may make this drug so effective, Professor Patterson said, is that it will be "only active in the tumour, and not cause damage to normal tissue".
Because the enzyme necessary to activate the toxic colchicine is produced only by solid tumours, it may be possible to treat cancers effectively with virtually no side effects to the rest of the body.
The "smart bombs" do not begin to act until they reach tumour tissue
Moreover, as the drug will be activated wherever the enzyme is produced, the delivery mechanism should allow treatment of particularly problematic cases of metastasis, where the cancer spreads from its initial site.
Pre-clinical tests in mice have shown startlingly successful results.
"What we're looking for is a delay in the growth of the tumour," said Professor Patterson.
"But sometimes the treatment is so effective that in half of the studies, the mice appeared to be cured of their cancer. All mice responded to the treatment."
Just one dose of the colchicine produced this remarkable effect. But if it passes clinical tests, the researchers believe it will be used alongside existing cancer treatments, as part of the complex process of tackling the disease.
The researchers hope that the treatment will enter the initial stage of clinical testing at St James's Hospital in Leeds within the next 18 months.
Professor Patterson said that he was "very optimistic about the opportunities of the treatment, but still cautious because everything done to date has been in the laboratory".
Paul Workman, head of cancer therapeutics at the Institute of Cancer Research, called the work an "interesting new approach".
"The project is still at quite an early stage but the results so far look promising in the laboratory models that have been studied," he said.
"If confirmed in more extensive laboratory studies, drugs based on this approach could be very useful as part of combination treatments for various cancers."
Triangular Arrangements
Triangular Arrangements – Silk flowers arrangements that typically preserve a triangle human body are popular for wedding bouquets. on that point use the taller flowers atomic number 49 the center field while the smaller ones are located along the sides to accent the larger stems. All of the flowers forge a redolence with three sides.
Crescent Arrangements – These arrangements are shaped similar to the moon as it is in the represent of the Sami name. Flowers with curved stems are selected for this type of bouquet. Common flowers ill-used in this organisation are carnations and gladiola. Many masses enjoy sitting these arrangements on their coffee tables.
Minimal Arrangements – These floral arrangements are used by those that want angstrom little floral decoration without a fussy bouquet. It uses solely amp handful of flowers one which is usually larger than the rest. The bigger blossom serves as the focal maneuver of the arrangement. Many people like to produce these to embellish the DoI of their home. They are quick and prosperous to make and give the axe be located in whatever room.
As you backside see at that place are many different variations regarding silk flowers arrangements. If you are in the mood to decorate with flowers you posterior find an arrangement that bequeath glucinium suitable for whatever room of the home. Weddings are another popular time to use of goods and services silk flowers and in that location are bouquets you can create for this exceptional occasion equally well. Many people prefer silk flowers over live ones when decorate because they are low maintenance and often a more affordable option.
Crescent Arrangements – These arrangements are shaped similar to the moon as it is in the represent of the Sami name. Flowers with curved stems are selected for this type of bouquet. Common flowers ill-used in this organisation are carnations and gladiola. Many masses enjoy sitting these arrangements on their coffee tables.
Minimal Arrangements – These floral arrangements are used by those that want angstrom little floral decoration without a fussy bouquet. It uses solely amp handful of flowers one which is usually larger than the rest. The bigger blossom serves as the focal maneuver of the arrangement. Many people like to produce these to embellish the DoI of their home. They are quick and prosperous to make and give the axe be located in whatever room.
As you backside see at that place are many different variations regarding silk flowers arrangements. If you are in the mood to decorate with flowers you posterior find an arrangement that bequeath glucinium suitable for whatever room of the home. Weddings are another popular time to use of goods and services silk flowers and in that location are bouquets you can create for this exceptional occasion equally well. Many people prefer silk flowers over live ones when decorate because they are low maintenance and often a more affordable option.
Sep 21, 2011
Love Her Give Her Flowers
You want her be luck,then make you love see by her , give her some flowers for make her happy.
Use dreaming consciously as meditation and know well that conscious dreaming opens new doors of perception. Lie down, relax; and dream but do not fall asleep; remain conscious in the background; wait and watch; dream anything that happens to your mind: do not plan beforehand; dream anything because in dream the whole world is yours; dream your existence as you please; dream and be content, content with your dreams because they are yours, and remember that nothing can be yours like your dreams because you yourself are a dream entity! — and also because your wishes come to be true in your dreams, and only in your dreams. But do not fall into identification. Be a witness. Remain aware. And then suddenly there will be no dreaming. Only you and illumination.
Man is not the end but only the means Man is not really a being but only a tension between two planes of being. Man is a bridge only, that is why man cannot remain satisfied with himself. His heart is nothing but a continent of discontent and his very being is anguish. Religion is the wish to pass beyond himself as he now is. That is why I say man can never be irreligious; that is impossible; he can pretend to be but he cannot be. Religion is not something accidental or circumstantial, it is in the very nature of man. Man is a religious animal and man is nothing if man is not a desire to transcend himself. He can go below himself, or he can go above but he cannot remain himself. He cannot be rest. That is why there is restlessness
Goethe is said to have cried when dying: Light, light, more light! And Miguel Unamuno has responded with his: No — warmth, warmth, more warmth! For we die of cold and not of darkness! But I say to you that we die neither because of cold nor because of darkness but because of our lust for living or because of our fear of death — which is to say the same thing in different terms. Do not look at death as opposite to life, because it is not. And live death moment to moment, do not postpone it for the end because that creates fear. Die each moment to the past, and then each moment you will be fresh, young and reborn. And then there is light always because the very darkness becomes light, and warmth also, because only the dead past is cold. THE PRESENT IS ALWAYS WARM.
Use dreaming consciously as meditation and know well that conscious dreaming opens new doors of perception. Lie down, relax; and dream but do not fall asleep; remain conscious in the background; wait and watch; dream anything that happens to your mind: do not plan beforehand; dream anything because in dream the whole world is yours; dream your existence as you please; dream and be content, content with your dreams because they are yours, and remember that nothing can be yours like your dreams because you yourself are a dream entity! — and also because your wishes come to be true in your dreams, and only in your dreams. But do not fall into identification. Be a witness. Remain aware. And then suddenly there will be no dreaming. Only you and illumination.
Man is not the end but only the means Man is not really a being but only a tension between two planes of being. Man is a bridge only, that is why man cannot remain satisfied with himself. His heart is nothing but a continent of discontent and his very being is anguish. Religion is the wish to pass beyond himself as he now is. That is why I say man can never be irreligious; that is impossible; he can pretend to be but he cannot be. Religion is not something accidental or circumstantial, it is in the very nature of man. Man is a religious animal and man is nothing if man is not a desire to transcend himself. He can go below himself, or he can go above but he cannot remain himself. He cannot be rest. That is why there is restlessness
Goethe is said to have cried when dying: Light, light, more light! And Miguel Unamuno has responded with his: No — warmth, warmth, more warmth! For we die of cold and not of darkness! But I say to you that we die neither because of cold nor because of darkness but because of our lust for living or because of our fear of death — which is to say the same thing in different terms. Do not look at death as opposite to life, because it is not. And live death moment to moment, do not postpone it for the end because that creates fear. Die each moment to the past, and then each moment you will be fresh, young and reborn. And then there is light always because the very darkness becomes light, and warmth also, because only the dead past is cold. THE PRESENT IS ALWAYS WARM.
Sep 20, 2011
Valentine Egg Carton Lollipop Flowers
Using cardboard egg cartons, some paint and mini muffin pan liners, make these cute lollipops with your kids. The best way to offer Valentines with a personalized touch. Fun as grandparent gifts, teacher gifts, and your babysitter or neighbor too!
I realized that since Kaboose is implementing their internet site and that i haven't been making anything on their behalf lately that I haven't been making any kid's crafts! I really thought we would remedy that today and came up with this fun Valentine craft you can make along with your children. Have some fun!
Egg Carton Lollipop Flowers
printable version
Paint the cardboard egg cartons inside and outside. Use fun colors like yellow, pink, red, purple and light-weight blue. Let dry. When dry cut out and trim.
Cut slits in egg carton and fold downward to produce petals.
Fold mini muffin liners by 50 percent, plus half again. Use a toothpick to softly poke a hole in the liner, dealing with all layers, about 3/4 in the pointed tip.
Carefully poke the lollipop stick to the hole at a folded liners. Repeat three more times, using four liners per flower. You can also just fold them in half and employ two instead, which can be easier for youngsters.
Grown ups should carefully poke an opening in the bottoom of the egg cup. Insert the lollipop stick from the hole, bringing the egg cup flower as far up as it is going to go. They must stay in place on their unique, but if you might have any which are not cooperating, simple secure the lolli stay with a bit of tape.
I realized that since Kaboose is implementing their internet site and that i haven't been making anything on their behalf lately that I haven't been making any kid's crafts! I really thought we would remedy that today and came up with this fun Valentine craft you can make along with your children. Have some fun!
Egg Carton Lollipop Flowers
printable version
Paint the cardboard egg cartons inside and outside. Use fun colors like yellow, pink, red, purple and light-weight blue. Let dry. When dry cut out and trim.
Cut slits in egg carton and fold downward to produce petals.
Fold mini muffin liners by 50 percent, plus half again. Use a toothpick to softly poke a hole in the liner, dealing with all layers, about 3/4 in the pointed tip.
Carefully poke the lollipop stick to the hole at a folded liners. Repeat three more times, using four liners per flower. You can also just fold them in half and employ two instead, which can be easier for youngsters.
Grown ups should carefully poke an opening in the bottoom of the egg cup. Insert the lollipop stick from the hole, bringing the egg cup flower as far up as it is going to go. They must stay in place on their unique, but if you might have any which are not cooperating, simple secure the lolli stay with a bit of tape.
Dutch bouquet of flowers rebuffed
Flowers are the traditional approach to say I love you. But also in Eu etiquette, they are able to equally efficiently function as the side-product of your political spat.
Romanian authorities this week-end blocked six trucks stuffed with flowers from your Netherlands, citing health conditions linked to unspecified dangerous bacteria.
The blockade came perhaps coincidentally, but likely not just one single next day the Dutch government stated it would veto the enlargement from the passport-free Schengen zone to Romania and Bulgaria.
The Dutch aren't the sole sceptics in terms of expanding Europes borders to feature the eastern duo, a decision that will require unanimity among current Schengen members.
At least endless weeks of frustration other countries, including France and Germany, aligned against Schengen enlargement recently, worried that though Bulgaria and Romania had met the technical requirements outlined inside the accession programme, the endemic corruption both in countries must be addressed first.
Mindful that the issue has got the possible ways to create an East-West rift along the lines of that old Iron Curtain, some governments have become willing to back a compromise we detailed here last week, which involves a two-step entry into Schengen starting with airports.
Not the Dutch. Just like the eurozone crisis and EU enlargement to Croatia, The Hague has had to adopt a recalcitrant stance in part to fulfill the far-right anti-immigrant reflexes of Geert Wilders, whose party the centre-right coalition depends upon for its survival.
Containing caused fury in Sofia and Bucharest. EU rules are ignored due to strictly inner political consideration,says Theodor Baconschi, Romania's foreign minister. When the rope overtly blamed the Wilders alliance for the Dutch stance.
Though the Romanian sanitary authorities flatly deny the floral hostage-taking and Schengen are related. The flowers will be enroute in a couple of days, one official told AFP.
Romanian authorities this week-end blocked six trucks stuffed with flowers from your Netherlands, citing health conditions linked to unspecified dangerous bacteria.
The blockade came perhaps coincidentally, but likely not just one single next day the Dutch government stated it would veto the enlargement from the passport-free Schengen zone to Romania and Bulgaria.
The Dutch aren't the sole sceptics in terms of expanding Europes borders to feature the eastern duo, a decision that will require unanimity among current Schengen members.
At least endless weeks of frustration other countries, including France and Germany, aligned against Schengen enlargement recently, worried that though Bulgaria and Romania had met the technical requirements outlined inside the accession programme, the endemic corruption both in countries must be addressed first.
Mindful that the issue has got the possible ways to create an East-West rift along the lines of that old Iron Curtain, some governments have become willing to back a compromise we detailed here last week, which involves a two-step entry into Schengen starting with airports.
Not the Dutch. Just like the eurozone crisis and EU enlargement to Croatia, The Hague has had to adopt a recalcitrant stance in part to fulfill the far-right anti-immigrant reflexes of Geert Wilders, whose party the centre-right coalition depends upon for its survival.
Containing caused fury in Sofia and Bucharest. EU rules are ignored due to strictly inner political consideration,says Theodor Baconschi, Romania's foreign minister. When the rope overtly blamed the Wilders alliance for the Dutch stance.
Though the Romanian sanitary authorities flatly deny the floral hostage-taking and Schengen are related. The flowers will be enroute in a couple of days, one official told AFP.
Some Tips in Shipping Funeral Flowers
After some time by, people do age. Might among things which we can't. Entropy is absolutely challenging to overcome. Time comes whenever we ought to say farewell to individuals we like. It's very difficult when someone near a pal ultimately died. Regardless of the reality that you might stop that close to the deceased person, there's still a sense of pain inside seeing your friend in deep sadness. You may make utilization of Toronto flower if you need feel your presence.
Before memorial service, you could also need to be engaged. It is great should you may be there directly to join a buddy on this hard time. No matter if you��ll be there or otherwise, the very best issues that you may do would be to give flowers inside your friend as well as her family. This might cause them to become feel as if you care much. It's also a really great sign of sympathy and also unity using them. If you're in Canada or perhaps somewhere in the usa, it's not at all an issue because flower shipping and delivery Toronto is usually exists for you out. You should only have to be cooperative and let them know all that they need to know.
You can find just a few things that you need to remember if you choose to send flowers. You need to often understand that sensitivity plays plenty for the family. You cannot just have each and every time that you'll require. When the wake has been held at home or inside the church, you need to make certain that the flowers won't be shipped during the peak of visitation. It would result in the family feel rushed. Needless to say, the size and also the design of the bouquet is also very crucial. Dull shades are usually picked for memorial service flowers. Whenever you can, keep away from flowers with bright colors. In certain cultures, this really is extremely unethical. Nonetheless, in case your good friend is of mixed race or tradition, For instance Chinese, you could possibly deliver yellow-colored Chrysanthemums. It's not preferable to deliver funeral service flowers each day before the funeral. Additionally it is very great if you might be capable of deliver flowers even immediately after the funeral however it ought to be sent right to the house of the deceased person's family. Call flower Toronto today and locate the most beneficial chrysanthemums.
Before memorial service, you could also need to be engaged. It is great should you may be there directly to join a buddy on this hard time. No matter if you��ll be there or otherwise, the very best issues that you may do would be to give flowers inside your friend as well as her family. This might cause them to become feel as if you care much. It's also a really great sign of sympathy and also unity using them. If you're in Canada or perhaps somewhere in the usa, it's not at all an issue because flower shipping and delivery Toronto is usually exists for you out. You should only have to be cooperative and let them know all that they need to know.
You can find just a few things that you need to remember if you choose to send flowers. You need to often understand that sensitivity plays plenty for the family. You cannot just have each and every time that you'll require. When the wake has been held at home or inside the church, you need to make certain that the flowers won't be shipped during the peak of visitation. It would result in the family feel rushed. Needless to say, the size and also the design of the bouquet is also very crucial. Dull shades are usually picked for memorial service flowers. Whenever you can, keep away from flowers with bright colors. In certain cultures, this really is extremely unethical. Nonetheless, in case your good friend is of mixed race or tradition, For instance Chinese, you could possibly deliver yellow-colored Chrysanthemums. It's not preferable to deliver funeral service flowers each day before the funeral. Additionally it is very great if you might be capable of deliver flowers even immediately after the funeral however it ought to be sent right to the house of the deceased person's family. Call flower Toronto today and locate the most beneficial chrysanthemums.
Sep 17, 2011
Flower Care
Do you love Flowers ?Do you know how to take care of flowers!
Azalea s can be either evergreen or deciduous. Deciduous Azaleas are known as Mollis or Exbury Azaleas. They bloom in the early spring with vivid orange and yellow colors. They can be grown from seed if the seeds are collected in the fall and sown on top of moist peat at about 70 degrees F.
Evergreen Azaleas are known as broad leaf evergreens because they are do not have needles. They bloom later in the spring, and are usually propagated in the fall over bottom heat, discussed in detail at Rhododendrons are also broad leaf evergreens and are also propagated over bottom heat in early winter.
The best time to prune Rhododendrons and Azaleas is in the spring right after they bloom. These plants start setting next years flower buds over the summer, so late pruning will cost you some blooms next year, so get them pruned as soon as they finish blooming. It’s also a good idea to pick off the spent blooms so the plants don’t expel a lot of energy making seeds, unless of course you’d like to grow them from seed. But keep in mind that they don’t come true from seed.
No it doesn’t smell any worse than other fertilizers, and plants like it because it is plant and soil friendly. It won’t burn the plants, and it actually reactivates the micro-organisms in the soil. That’s a good thing. Most full service garden centers carry Milorganite.
That's all !I think you must know more than this!
Azalea s can be either evergreen or deciduous. Deciduous Azaleas are known as Mollis or Exbury Azaleas. They bloom in the early spring with vivid orange and yellow colors. They can be grown from seed if the seeds are collected in the fall and sown on top of moist peat at about 70 degrees F.
Evergreen Azaleas are known as broad leaf evergreens because they are do not have needles. They bloom later in the spring, and are usually propagated in the fall over bottom heat, discussed in detail at Rhododendrons are also broad leaf evergreens and are also propagated over bottom heat in early winter.
The best time to prune Rhododendrons and Azaleas is in the spring right after they bloom. These plants start setting next years flower buds over the summer, so late pruning will cost you some blooms next year, so get them pruned as soon as they finish blooming. It’s also a good idea to pick off the spent blooms so the plants don’t expel a lot of energy making seeds, unless of course you’d like to grow them from seed. But keep in mind that they don’t come true from seed.
No it doesn’t smell any worse than other fertilizers, and plants like it because it is plant and soil friendly. It won’t burn the plants, and it actually reactivates the micro-organisms in the soil. That’s a good thing. Most full service garden centers carry Milorganite.
That's all !I think you must know more than this!
Sep 15, 2011
The History of the Tradition of Sending Flowers
The History of the Tradition of Sending Flowers dates back to the prehistoric period. Flower fossils have been discovered in cave burials and cave dwellings. Man’s association with flowers appears to have been embedded in a lot of cultures since the dawn of time. In recent years, Archaeologists have uncovered the skeletal remains of a possible family buried together in soil containing pollen of flowers in a cave in Iraq. This is clear evidence that flowers have been used for traditional purposes.
Scientists and archaeologists have found a number of clues pointing the flowers being given as part of a tradition. This has especially been the case with burials. Analysis have been performed on pollen found deep within soil sediment in highly concentrated batches. This is further evidence of the tradition of providing flowers for certain occasions. Scientist have also found various fossilized flowers found within various dwellings. Many of them have medicinal properties, which have led scientist to believe that flowers were also given as a form of a get well present.
There is also evidence that flowers were given to express certain feelings or emotions. People have given and received flowers for many various reasons. They have been given to show love, to enhance an environment, to commemorate important rituals and for many other observances.
It is also clear in the artwork through out the centuries that flowers were an important part of various cultures. Many forms of art depict the use of flowers. It can be found in many paintings, pottering, prints, tapestries and many other works of art.
Scientists believe that the tradition and history of sending flowers extends across many centuries and civilizations. All kinds of flowers were given as gifts or used as part of special ceremonies. There use as gifts is shown to have spiked during the 17th century. Men would provide women with beautiful flowers to express their feelings for them.
Historians have found that during the Victorian era, flowers were considered the language of love. Certain flowers like roses became very popular to offer as gifts. Other flowers were used as adornment and worn in clothing. Ladies were also known to wear flowers in their hair during this period. This was particularly popular of European women.
Flowers have also been part of certain traditions ancient civilizations such as Egyptian, Roman and Greek. Meanings were given to different flowers and they were given to others for specific reasons dependent upon the meaning of that flower. They were also given to express emotions of love. According to Greek mythology, flowers were believed to represent the beauty and power of the Gods. In ancient China, flowers were believed to each possess their own spiritual value.
As we can see, the History of the tradition of sending flowers has been in existence for thousands of years. This custom was also evident during the the Middle Ages, where men gave flowers to women. Or in other cultures where brides were celebrated with flowers. Flowers are a beautiful way to express gratitude or feelings of love. Or to simple provide beauty to an area. Flowers, no matter the occasion, will always be appreciated.
Scientists and archaeologists have found a number of clues pointing the flowers being given as part of a tradition. This has especially been the case with burials. Analysis have been performed on pollen found deep within soil sediment in highly concentrated batches. This is further evidence of the tradition of providing flowers for certain occasions. Scientist have also found various fossilized flowers found within various dwellings. Many of them have medicinal properties, which have led scientist to believe that flowers were also given as a form of a get well present.
There is also evidence that flowers were given to express certain feelings or emotions. People have given and received flowers for many various reasons. They have been given to show love, to enhance an environment, to commemorate important rituals and for many other observances.
It is also clear in the artwork through out the centuries that flowers were an important part of various cultures. Many forms of art depict the use of flowers. It can be found in many paintings, pottering, prints, tapestries and many other works of art.
Scientists believe that the tradition and history of sending flowers extends across many centuries and civilizations. All kinds of flowers were given as gifts or used as part of special ceremonies. There use as gifts is shown to have spiked during the 17th century. Men would provide women with beautiful flowers to express their feelings for them.
Historians have found that during the Victorian era, flowers were considered the language of love. Certain flowers like roses became very popular to offer as gifts. Other flowers were used as adornment and worn in clothing. Ladies were also known to wear flowers in their hair during this period. This was particularly popular of European women.
Flowers have also been part of certain traditions ancient civilizations such as Egyptian, Roman and Greek. Meanings were given to different flowers and they were given to others for specific reasons dependent upon the meaning of that flower. They were also given to express emotions of love. According to Greek mythology, flowers were believed to represent the beauty and power of the Gods. In ancient China, flowers were believed to each possess their own spiritual value.
As we can see, the History of the tradition of sending flowers has been in existence for thousands of years. This custom was also evident during the the Middle Ages, where men gave flowers to women. Or in other cultures where brides were celebrated with flowers. Flowers are a beautiful way to express gratitude or feelings of love. Or to simple provide beauty to an area. Flowers, no matter the occasion, will always be appreciated.
Sep 14, 2011
This year Flower Show was recreating
This year Flower Show was recreating the rose and camellia exposition.
Under direction of Kate Chura, the twenty second edition of the show opened on January, 28 and ended on January, 29. It took place at the Cobb Galleria Centre, is to a great extend centered on choosing green with organic and vegetable garden activities.
According to Chura, who became the member of the Southeastern Horticultural Society in November, 2009, people now prefer organic food, the one that will not make any harm to a human.
Any visitors were pleased by fascinating looks of ornamental landscapes and lots of useful advises concerning the garden activity. Everyone could take the opportunity to get some information on how to grow and mix edible plants into their ornamental landscape.
The main show attractions were Landscape Gardens (gardens created by popular landscape design firms, including Terranova Landscape Design, the Atlanta-based firm and others), Discovery gardens (tons of tips on unknown plants, gardening and conservation techniques from various academic organizations nurseries, and other groups), speakers (meetings and learning from the gardening and cooking professionals on such issues as bee-attracting to bonsai, camellia flowers, pot planting and others), musical shows with the participation of Atlanta Opera, the Georgia Academy of Music, jazz with keyboardist Cliff deMarks and blues by the Crosstown Brothers.
The organizers of this year show did not forget about the children’s interests as well. Any kid was welcome to get detailed information on the water cycle, worms as well as splendid flower arrangements.
Under direction of Kate Chura, the twenty second edition of the show opened on January, 28 and ended on January, 29. It took place at the Cobb Galleria Centre, is to a great extend centered on choosing green with organic and vegetable garden activities.
According to Chura, who became the member of the Southeastern Horticultural Society in November, 2009, people now prefer organic food, the one that will not make any harm to a human.
Any visitors were pleased by fascinating looks of ornamental landscapes and lots of useful advises concerning the garden activity. Everyone could take the opportunity to get some information on how to grow and mix edible plants into their ornamental landscape.
The main show attractions were Landscape Gardens (gardens created by popular landscape design firms, including Terranova Landscape Design, the Atlanta-based firm and others), Discovery gardens (tons of tips on unknown plants, gardening and conservation techniques from various academic organizations nurseries, and other groups), speakers (meetings and learning from the gardening and cooking professionals on such issues as bee-attracting to bonsai, camellia flowers, pot planting and others), musical shows with the participation of Atlanta Opera, the Georgia Academy of Music, jazz with keyboardist Cliff deMarks and blues by the Crosstown Brothers.
The organizers of this year show did not forget about the children’s interests as well. Any kid was welcome to get detailed information on the water cycle, worms as well as splendid flower arrangements.
Sep 13, 2011
In proper growth conditions,
In proper growth conditions, an African violet plant will be in flower for about 9 months. In spite on the plant’s dainty look, it is quite easy to take care for.
• Keep the soil moist to dry, allowing it to get dry out between watering; it will ensure the flowering.
• To prevent any leaves’ damage from water, water the plant from the bottom. How to do so? Just place the container or pot in a tray of water, letting the African violet plant take in the water for approximately a half an hour.
• In order your plant to thrive, put it in moderate to bright, indirect light. It should not suffer from sudden temperature changes.
• Take off wilted flowers and leaves for better flowering.
• Add fertilizers once a month or when the plant is actively producing new foliage and buds.
• Keep the soil moist to dry, allowing it to get dry out between watering; it will ensure the flowering.
• To prevent any leaves’ damage from water, water the plant from the bottom. How to do so? Just place the container or pot in a tray of water, letting the African violet plant take in the water for approximately a half an hour.
• In order your plant to thrive, put it in moderate to bright, indirect light. It should not suffer from sudden temperature changes.
• Take off wilted flowers and leaves for better flowering.
• Add fertilizers once a month or when the plant is actively producing new foliage and buds.
Sep 10, 2011
Show Your School Spirit with Flowers
There’s a spirit in the air come September that is somewhat infectious. It can be felt by kindergarteners as well as longtime graduates. Some call it “Homecoming,” others know it as “Back to School,” and all feel that familiar “School Spirit,” which ushers in the fall season.
First Day Back to School Flower Head Wreaths
At my children’s school, which spans pre-school to 8th grade, there is a welcoming custom on the first day of school that is absolutely precious. The cheerleaders line up at the main gate dressed in their uniforms and wearing floral head wreaths with school color ribbons dangling down their back. They shout cheers and perform routines as the kids enter, welcoming them back to school in a super fun way. Flower head wreaths are such a beautiful adornment that can be made even more spectacular by your local florist’s design ideas. Not only can you bring school colors into the flowers and ribbons on the wreath, your florist will know what the latest trends are for embellishing floral wearables such as gem or jewel accents.
Flowers Freshen Up Volunteer Round-Ups
Parent involvement is integral to school fund-raising. At the beginning of the school year it seems there is a volunteer sign-up meeting every week for fund-raisers or morale-boosting events that are scheduled throughout the year. Kick off a volunteer round-up and generate school spirit with a flower arrangement along with the coffee and doughnuts (raffle the arrangement after the round-up!). Talk to your florist about incorporating a school symbol into the floral design such as a plush toy that represents the mascot.
And of course, saying “thank you” to those who give their time is made that much sweeter when expressed with a flower. At the end of the year along with bouquets for those who have donated a significant amount of time, give a single stem to each person who was kind enough to show up for a day or two to help the school at an event.
Homecoming Alumni Party Centerpieces
For homecoming parties, you want to go upscale with the flowers but still bring in the old school spirit in a polished manner. Not only do homecoming parties provide the opportunity for alumni to catch up with former classmates, these get-togethers often pave the way for donor outreach. Consider branding the vases or containers on a gorgeous floral centerpiece with your school’s emblem, a varsity letter, even a simple sticker or decal. Ask your florist how he or she has branded flowers for corporate events and think about how you can translate those ideas for spirited centerpieces at your homecoming party.
First Day Back to School Flower Head Wreaths
At my children’s school, which spans pre-school to 8th grade, there is a welcoming custom on the first day of school that is absolutely precious. The cheerleaders line up at the main gate dressed in their uniforms and wearing floral head wreaths with school color ribbons dangling down their back. They shout cheers and perform routines as the kids enter, welcoming them back to school in a super fun way. Flower head wreaths are such a beautiful adornment that can be made even more spectacular by your local florist’s design ideas. Not only can you bring school colors into the flowers and ribbons on the wreath, your florist will know what the latest trends are for embellishing floral wearables such as gem or jewel accents.
Flowers Freshen Up Volunteer Round-Ups
Parent involvement is integral to school fund-raising. At the beginning of the school year it seems there is a volunteer sign-up meeting every week for fund-raisers or morale-boosting events that are scheduled throughout the year. Kick off a volunteer round-up and generate school spirit with a flower arrangement along with the coffee and doughnuts (raffle the arrangement after the round-up!). Talk to your florist about incorporating a school symbol into the floral design such as a plush toy that represents the mascot.
And of course, saying “thank you” to those who give their time is made that much sweeter when expressed with a flower. At the end of the year along with bouquets for those who have donated a significant amount of time, give a single stem to each person who was kind enough to show up for a day or two to help the school at an event.
Homecoming Alumni Party Centerpieces
For homecoming parties, you want to go upscale with the flowers but still bring in the old school spirit in a polished manner. Not only do homecoming parties provide the opportunity for alumni to catch up with former classmates, these get-togethers often pave the way for donor outreach. Consider branding the vases or containers on a gorgeous floral centerpiece with your school’s emblem, a varsity letter, even a simple sticker or decal. Ask your florist how he or she has branded flowers for corporate events and think about how you can translate those ideas for spirited centerpieces at your homecoming party.
Sep 9, 2011
Gardenia is recognized as one of the most loved
Gardenia is recognized as one of the most loved exotic flowering plants. The genus got its name in honor of a physician from Charleston- Alexander garden. This flowering plant originates from the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, southern Asia, Australasia and Oceania.
These evergreen shrubs and small trees attain the height from 1 to15 m. The Gardenia species are notable by creamy-white to light-yellow blooms and lustrous, deep-green leaves with opposite arrangement. They are simple with entire of wavy margins. The majority of its species are distinguished by strong and pleasing odor.
It blooms are borne individually or in small clusters; they come in a tube-like corolla with 5-12 petals.The blooming time for this plant takes place from the middle of spring to the middle of summer.
Gardenia flowering plant is prized for their splendid foliage: it is a fantastic cut flower and is widely used as screens, hedges, bordering or ground covering plant.

These evergreen shrubs and small trees attain the height from 1 to15 m. The Gardenia species are notable by creamy-white to light-yellow blooms and lustrous, deep-green leaves with opposite arrangement. They are simple with entire of wavy margins. The majority of its species are distinguished by strong and pleasing odor.
It blooms are borne individually or in small clusters; they come in a tube-like corolla with 5-12 petals.The blooming time for this plant takes place from the middle of spring to the middle of summer.
Gardenia flowering plant is prized for their splendid foliage: it is a fantastic cut flower and is widely used as screens, hedges, bordering or ground covering plant.
Gloriosa is a genus comprising 5-6 species
Gloriosa is a genus comprising 5-6 species from the family Colchicaceae. They are native to tropical Africa and Asia.
Their common name is Glory lilies or Flame lilies. These slender deciduous perennial plants tend to climb over other plants by means of their tendrils formed at the terminals of their leaves.
The plant is capable to attain the length of 3 m. Its spectacular 6-petal- blooms are notable by their pronouncedly reflexed petals, varying in color with a range of a greenish-yellow through yellow, orange, red and even a dark pinkish-red.
The glory lily is considered to be of the most exotic blooming vines that can be grown in the Southern garden.
The attractive species of this springtime flowering plants Gloriosa superba is the national flower of Zimbabwe and was the national flower of Rhodesia. Beside of it represents the state flower of Tamil Nadu state in India.
The Africans and Indians use it in traditional medicine.

Their common name is Glory lilies or Flame lilies. These slender deciduous perennial plants tend to climb over other plants by means of their tendrils formed at the terminals of their leaves.
The plant is capable to attain the length of 3 m. Its spectacular 6-petal- blooms are notable by their pronouncedly reflexed petals, varying in color with a range of a greenish-yellow through yellow, orange, red and even a dark pinkish-red.
The glory lily is considered to be of the most exotic blooming vines that can be grown in the Southern garden.
The attractive species of this springtime flowering plants Gloriosa superba is the national flower of Zimbabwe and was the national flower of Rhodesia. Beside of it represents the state flower of Tamil Nadu state in India.
The Africans and Indians use it in traditional medicine.
Sep 7, 2011
Being a representative of the Rubiaceae family
Being a representative of the Rubiaceae family, bouvardia was called in honor of Dr. Charles Bouvard, a former superintendent of the Jardin du Roi in Paris and a physician to Louis XIII.
Nowadays there are more than 30 species of this plant. Most of them are shrubs and herbs inhabiting Mexico and Central America. Bouvardia was first brought to the United Kingdom in 1854. Today these plants are bred and grown in sub-tropics and Holland. The familiar to everyone relatives of this flower are gardenias, sweet woodruff, coffee and gallium.
Symbolizing “enthusiasm” bouvardia does not relates to ordinary flowers. Its hallmark is loose clusters of tubular star resembling blossoms which are fringed with green leaves and borne on tall stems. The distinctive feature of this flower is that each stem of it looks like a tiny nosegay in bright versatile shades and colors. In addition this plant is distinguished by pleasant odor.
Being popular all over the world the flower is available during the whole year. The cut blossom lasts for 7-10 days. For proper care bouvardia requires high temperature and enough water.
Resembling jasmine bouvardia is available in pink, orange, peach, white colors. They are the irreplaceable additions into wedding bouquets, designs and arrangements.

Nowadays there are more than 30 species of this plant. Most of them are shrubs and herbs inhabiting Mexico and Central America. Bouvardia was first brought to the United Kingdom in 1854. Today these plants are bred and grown in sub-tropics and Holland. The familiar to everyone relatives of this flower are gardenias, sweet woodruff, coffee and gallium.
Symbolizing “enthusiasm” bouvardia does not relates to ordinary flowers. Its hallmark is loose clusters of tubular star resembling blossoms which are fringed with green leaves and borne on tall stems. The distinctive feature of this flower is that each stem of it looks like a tiny nosegay in bright versatile shades and colors. In addition this plant is distinguished by pleasant odor.
Being popular all over the world the flower is available during the whole year. The cut blossom lasts for 7-10 days. For proper care bouvardia requires high temperature and enough water.
Resembling jasmine bouvardia is available in pink, orange, peach, white colors. They are the irreplaceable additions into wedding bouquets, designs and arrangements.
These tasty golden-orange fruits frequently
American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) is famous by a lot of names; among them are common persimmon and possumwood. The plant can be found in the southeastern America. Growing wild it has been in cultivation for its edible fruit and wood by Native Americans.
Diospyros virginiana is capable to attain the height up to 20 meters. In summer season it bears aromatic, bell-like flowers in creamy-yellow color. American Persimmon can produce the fruit only after 6 years of its life. Ancient Greek called the tree’s fruit as 'the Fruit of the Gods'.
These tasty golden-orange fruits frequently hang on the tree after the foliage die off in the fall. By the way, one can come across a rare natural form of the species bearing darker fruit, nearly black. This form is known under the name Diospyros virginiana atra. The ripe fruit have sweet taste; that is why they are used in desserts and cuisine.
In addition to the fruit-producing capability, American Persimmon is a perfect middle-sized yard tree.

Diospyros virginiana is capable to attain the height up to 20 meters. In summer season it bears aromatic, bell-like flowers in creamy-yellow color. American Persimmon can produce the fruit only after 6 years of its life. Ancient Greek called the tree’s fruit as 'the Fruit of the Gods'.
These tasty golden-orange fruits frequently hang on the tree after the foliage die off in the fall. By the way, one can come across a rare natural form of the species bearing darker fruit, nearly black. This form is known under the name Diospyros virginiana atra. The ripe fruit have sweet taste; that is why they are used in desserts and cuisine.
In addition to the fruit-producing capability, American Persimmon is a perfect middle-sized yard tree.
Sep 6, 2011
Apple blossom is considered to be one of the most
Apple blossom is considered to be one of the most aromatic and splendid flowering species. This tree produces the blooms in tints of white or pink. Lustrous, green, round-shaped fruit typically follow them.
The Apple blossom blooms are about 4 cm in diameter; being formed of 5 petals the clustered flowers are borne on long stalks. Beside of they have plenty of stamens and five styles that are joined with villose at the base.
Pyrus coronaria gives rise to marvelous flowers every spring season. These aromatic blooms are the official state flowers of two American states that are Arkansas and Michigan.
Arkansas declared the apple blossom as its official state flower in 1901 as it was a main apple producing state. Till today Lincoln City in Washington County sets up an Arkansas Apple Festival every year. Michigan got Pyrus coronaria as the official state flower in 1897. This state is the 3rd biggest apple producing state of America.

The Apple blossom blooms are about 4 cm in diameter; being formed of 5 petals the clustered flowers are borne on long stalks. Beside of they have plenty of stamens and five styles that are joined with villose at the base.
Pyrus coronaria gives rise to marvelous flowers every spring season. These aromatic blooms are the official state flowers of two American states that are Arkansas and Michigan.
Arkansas declared the apple blossom as its official state flower in 1901 as it was a main apple producing state. Till today Lincoln City in Washington County sets up an Arkansas Apple Festival every year. Michigan got Pyrus coronaria as the official state flower in 1897. This state is the 3rd biggest apple producing state of America.
The botanical name is Polemonium caeruleum
The botanical name is Polemonium caeruleum. Being commonly known as Greek Valerian, Bluebell or Skunk Weed, the plant belongs to the family Polemoniaceae (phlox).
It originates from the northeastern America, thieving in bogs and wetlands. Polemonium is taken from the Greek word ‘polemonion’ , that is a name used for a medicinal plant related to the philosopher Polemos of Cappadocia.
However it should be noted that jacob’s lader has no medicinal properties. The genus name was given after two or three famous people. Among them are King Polemon of Pontus and Anthenian philosopher Polemon.
The plant is notable by its pine-like scent of the root. It bears ladder resembling leaves. The blooming time is in the beginning and mid-summer.
Native tribes applied it to do a head and hair wash. Jacob’s ladder was eaten for inducing vomiting and treating skin diseases. European Jacob's ladders were cultivated in gardens for a long time as the plant was mistakenly believed to own an abundance of medicinal properties.
Nowadays Jacob's ladder perfectly serves as container flower; its dried blooms are used potpourris.

It originates from the northeastern America, thieving in bogs and wetlands. Polemonium is taken from the Greek word ‘polemonion’ , that is a name used for a medicinal plant related to the philosopher Polemos of Cappadocia.
However it should be noted that jacob’s lader has no medicinal properties. The genus name was given after two or three famous people. Among them are King Polemon of Pontus and Anthenian philosopher Polemon.
The plant is notable by its pine-like scent of the root. It bears ladder resembling leaves. The blooming time is in the beginning and mid-summer.
Native tribes applied it to do a head and hair wash. Jacob’s ladder was eaten for inducing vomiting and treating skin diseases. European Jacob's ladders were cultivated in gardens for a long time as the plant was mistakenly believed to own an abundance of medicinal properties.
Nowadays Jacob's ladder perfectly serves as container flower; its dried blooms are used potpourris.
Sep 4, 2011
Foxgloves - Digitalis
The botanical name is Digitalis, meaning 'finger-like'; in reference with the ease a bloom can be fitted over a human fingertip.
Foxglove represents biennial and perennial herbs of the genus Digitalis that includes more than 20 species. The flower falls into the family Scrophulariaceae.
Foxgloves inhabit in Europe, western and central Asia, and northwestern Africa. The tubular flowers grow on a tall spike.
The popular species is the Common Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea that grows in the North of the Unites States. It represents a striking biennial plant that is used to serve as an ornamental plant.
The flower of Common Foxglove bears bell-resembling blossoms that produce a stiff cluster. The length of the plant may reach up to 3 in. Its stalk can have up to 5 feet lengh.
The flowering time of foxglove is the whole summer season. It is available in white, lavender and deep purple colors. The majority of the species have purple sports on blossoms.

By Jensflorian - under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

By Nevit Dilmen - under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

By Haplochromis - under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
Foxglove represents biennial and perennial herbs of the genus Digitalis that includes more than 20 species. The flower falls into the family Scrophulariaceae.
Foxgloves inhabit in Europe, western and central Asia, and northwestern Africa. The tubular flowers grow on a tall spike.
The popular species is the Common Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea that grows in the North of the Unites States. It represents a striking biennial plant that is used to serve as an ornamental plant.
The flower of Common Foxglove bears bell-resembling blossoms that produce a stiff cluster. The length of the plant may reach up to 3 in. Its stalk can have up to 5 feet lengh.
The flowering time of foxglove is the whole summer season. It is available in white, lavender and deep purple colors. The majority of the species have purple sports on blossoms.
Sep 3, 2011
Great Ideas to Please Mothers on Mothers Day
Keeping in mind her favourite flowers, plan a garden with the help of your local garden center.
You can buy her plants which she enjoys.
Many hanging plants are very low maintenance. Ex., Ivy plants need minimal upkeep as their lush green leaves tumble down the pot all year round. They can even be kept indoors! With fuchsiaâÂÂs and shady area impatiens, Mom doesnâÂÂt even need to worry about keeping them in the sun. These flowers have a liking to the shade.
Another option is a prepackaged herb garden. Perhaps Mom loves to put herbs in her cocktails at home. Pick her favorite scents and tastes and assemble that into her own personalized herb garden.
The gardening possibilities for unique MotherâÂÂs Day flowers are endless. Think about your mothers taste and make her happy this Mothers Day.
Sep 1, 2011
He told me that he could buy side in Inner
New Year's, a famous Chinese medical department of a university teacher from the side of us bought some marigolds medicine. Yesterday to call, say that I sold to his side of the marigolds have a problem, and he used to buy not the same as in Inner Mongolia, identified by a well-known professor, said this is not to open the side of the marigold flower, but open blue flowers of a species.
This is undoubtedly the announcement, I provide a "fake", and this is the result of a well-known professor to understand plant identification.
I was there the ignition, because my side of the marigold is realistic and accurate, no doubt. So, I do not care, and any challenge scholars and experts, even the Chinese elite higher education.
I told him, in the northeast do not open the blue flowers of the wild side of marigold species, on this side a little bit about the distribution of the genus Calendula will know; our side of the marigold is the yellow flowers the side of the marigold, which is no doubt, because in almost all of us to open the side of the marigold yellow; if we sell to you is to open the blue side of marigold marigold flower side of the species, We are willing to accept any punishment.
He and I said, I think you find the lack of in-depth research professor, concluded its identification is arbitrary, is wrong, is not credible to. This professor come to this conclusion, I agree with.
He and I said, he had bought the side of the marigolds in Inner Mongolia is very short, and our high, because of this difference, so just look for the professor.
I told him, you use the so-called Inner side marigold, I have not seen, so bad its germplasm comment. The origin is concerned, relatively speaking, northeastern Inner Mongolia, cold, mixed with coniferous or mixed forest-based, barren soil, humus is thin, unlike the Heilongjiang Forest, mainly because it is broad-leaved mixed forest, thick layer of humus, so plant growth is likely not the same, this is one; second collection period may be different, side height just before flowering marigolds in the 5-15 cm, after flowering and can grow to in 30 - 40 cm, plant height is not the sole criterion for identification of plant germplasm.
He told me that he could buy side in Inner Mongolia, marigold pictures sent to me, let me identify what is what, and to my e-mail address, I gave him.
This is undoubtedly the announcement, I provide a "fake", and this is the result of a well-known professor to understand plant identification.
I was there the ignition, because my side of the marigold is realistic and accurate, no doubt. So, I do not care, and any challenge scholars and experts, even the Chinese elite higher education.
I told him, in the northeast do not open the blue flowers of the wild side of marigold species, on this side a little bit about the distribution of the genus Calendula will know; our side of the marigold is the yellow flowers the side of the marigold, which is no doubt, because in almost all of us to open the side of the marigold yellow; if we sell to you is to open the blue side of marigold marigold flower side of the species, We are willing to accept any punishment.
He and I said, I think you find the lack of in-depth research professor, concluded its identification is arbitrary, is wrong, is not credible to. This professor come to this conclusion, I agree with.
He and I said, he had bought the side of the marigolds in Inner Mongolia is very short, and our high, because of this difference, so just look for the professor.
I told him, you use the so-called Inner side marigold, I have not seen, so bad its germplasm comment. The origin is concerned, relatively speaking, northeastern Inner Mongolia, cold, mixed with coniferous or mixed forest-based, barren soil, humus is thin, unlike the Heilongjiang Forest, mainly because it is broad-leaved mixed forest, thick layer of humus, so plant growth is likely not the same, this is one; second collection period may be different, side height just before flowering marigolds in the 5-15 cm, after flowering and can grow to in 30 - 40 cm, plant height is not the sole criterion for identification of plant germplasm.
He told me that he could buy side in Inner Mongolia, marigold pictures sent to me, let me identify what is what, and to my e-mail address, I gave him.
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