Dec 2, 2012

What Is The Meaning Of Tulip

Tulips have an array of uses and meanings. The tulip is emblematic of Holland, even more recognizable than windmills and wooden shoes. The tulip fields of Holland are a remarkable sight that tourists flock to view every year. Tulips flowers paintings help to bring the thrill and excitement of tulips into your home.

Tulips flowers paintings are liked by both men and women. Men often prefer simple flowers to complex, lacy types. Tulips flowers paintings also appeal to people of all ages. Small children are thrilled to see the first tulips break through the ground in the spring. A bright picture of tulips helps to keep that expectation and hope alive all year.

Tulips come in so many varieties and colors that the possibilities for tulips pictures is almost endless. During the period of "tulipmania" in Holland in the 1600s, the bulbs for prized varieties of tulips were worth the price of a small house! Tulips bloom in many hardiness zones and are grown and admired in countries around the world.
Tulips flowers paintings are wonderful for hallways, dining areas, living rooms and family rooms. With so many types and colors of tulips, it's possible to find a tulip flowers paintings that matches any color scheme.

Red tulips mean "believe me" and refer the the giver's sincerely in a declaration of love. Yellow tulips mean cheerful thoughts. Purple tulips mean royalty. Orange tulips represent energy, enthusism and desire. White tulip symbolize heaven and are wonderful for sympathy gifts. Tulips flowers paintings are perfect gifts for Mother's Day, wedding presents, housewarming gifts and birthday gifts.

Nov 24, 2012

Rose Meaning Is Known By Almost Everyone

Rose meaning is known by almost everyone on some level - otherwise it wouldn't be the most popularly sent flower on Valentine's Day! This page honors the upcoming event, and explores the richness of rose meanings and its lush symbolism.

In alchemical texts and art, a rose with seven petals is a symbol of inclusion, universal understanding and order. Presumably, because in Pythagorean numerology the number seven is iconic of the perfection in the specific unfolding the universe as well as human understanding.

We see a partnership between the rose and numbers in Freemasonry too where three roses are symbolic of a guiding principle. Each of the three roses seen in Freemason symbology indicates abiding Love, Life, and Light.

In mythology, rose meaning is associated with Aphrodite goddess of love who was often depicted adorned with roses around her head, feet and or neck. In lore, we track down this association when we discover that a rose bush grew within the pool of blood spilled from Aphrodite's slain lover. We can interpret the symbolism here several ways. The most common interpretation is that the rose symbolizes an immortal love or a union that will never fade - even through time or death.

Similarly in Christian lore, a rose bush was said to have grown at the site of Christ's death. His blood serving is often associated with a red rose, combined with its thorns is thus symbolized the ultimate sacrifice.

In addition to being a symbol of love, the rose is also symbolic carrier of secrets or tacit understanding. The term "sub rosa" means under the rose and comes from the practice of Romans hanging roses above meeting tables. Here it was understood that anything said at this table, beneath the hanging roses, was forbidden to be repeated elsewhere.

Seeking symbolic meaning of the rose from an esoteric perspective, we can look at the Tarot, in which the rose is considered a symbol of balance. Here the beauty of the rose expresses promise, new beginnings, hope. This beauty is contrasted with its thorns which represents defense, physicality, loss, thoughtlessness. The rose is seen in the major arcana as: Magician, Strength, Death and Fool cards. All of these cards hold strong meanings of balance and equilibrium.

Nov 16, 2012

How To Grow Good Roses

Fall is the best time for setting out roses, but you can plant in spring. When they arrive from the nursery, plant at once. If they have dried en route, soak the roots and put the tops in a bucket of water before planting. Trim back any roots that are weak, long or broken at this time. Dig a hole that is wide enough to allow the roots to spread without crowding.

The rose is properly placed when the bud (the point where the top joins the roots) is just under the ground surface. Space hybrid teas about 18 inches apart in any direction. Prune the branches 6 to 10 inches from the soil.

To grow good roses it is necessary to cultivate, to prune and to spray. If you have a well-cultivated bed you need not worry about watering. But if you start to water in hot weather, you must keep it up, soaking the roots thoroughly about once a week.
Spraying every 10 days guards against the diseases and insects that attack roses.

Nicotine sulphate wipes out the green lice; arsenate of lead is used against chewing insects; or sulphur and arsenate of lead may be used in a dust, as may DDT dust.
Winterize your roses by mounding sod around them after the first frost, or mulch with straw and evergreens. In cold parts of the country, remove the supports from the climbing roses and place the canes on the ground, peg them, and cover with soil mounds.

In spring, cut back your roses to within 6 inches of the ground. Ruthlessly lop off all but three or four canes on hybrid teas. This pruning will give you strong plants. When your plants grow out from spring pruning, you will have to disbud, cutting off all the buds except the top ones on the cane. This is the way to grow large blossoms.

Aug 13, 2012

The Smell Of the Hyacinth

Hyacinth is any plant of genus Hyacinthus, which are bulbous herbs formerly placed in the lily family Liliaceae but now regarded as the type genus of the separate family Hyacinthaceae. Hyacinths are native to the eastern Mediterranean region east to Iran and Turkmenistan. They are named after the Hyacinth from Greek mythology. Hyacinths are sometimes associated with rebirth. The Hyacinth flower is used in the Haftseen table setting for the Persian New Year celebration Norouz held during the Spring Equinox. The prophet Mohammad is reported to have said “If I had but two loaves of bread, I would sell one and buy hyacinths, for they would feed my soul.”
Only three species are currently recognised within the genus Hyacinthus. They are:
Hyacinthus litwinowii
Hyacinthus orientalis - Common, Dutch or Garden Hyacinth
Hyacinthus transcaspicus
Some authorities place H. litwonowii and H. transcaspicus in the related genus Hyacinthella, leaving Hyacinthus as monotypic.
The Dutch, or Common Hyacinth of house and garden culture (H. orientalis, native to southwest Asia) was so popular in the 18th century that over 2,000 cultivars were cultivated in the Netherlands, its chief commercial producer. This hyacinth has a single dense spike of fragrant flowers in shades of red, blue, white, or yellow. A form of the common hyacinth is the less hardy and smaller blue- or white-petalled Roman hyacinth of florists. These flowers should have indirect sunlight and are to be moderately watered.
The related grape hyacinths (Muscari), sometimes called baby's-breath, are very low, mostly blue-flowered plants similar in appearance to hyacinths and are also commonly cultivated.
Several types of brodiea, deathcamas, squill, and other plants that were formerly classified in the lily family and have flower clusters borne along the stalk also have common names with hyacinth in them.

Jun 26, 2012

Know About The Tulip's Habits And Plant It

You may love roses best, but there are a lot of people who love tulips best, they are not only beautiful and colorful, but also easy to plant bu ourselves. Tulips are a favorite of cutting gardens, especially in the north, blooms of tulips are one of season's first flowers in a garden and for a vase inside.

Tulip is the most popular flower in Netherlands, and there are also a lot of kinds of flowers and species, and they can live longer and bloom earlier compared with the other hybrid types, so these types of tulips are good choices for naturalizing in open areas.

 Tulip is also a good choice to make part of a container garden, especially in pots with wide planting surfaces. Triumphs, doubles and Darwins are good for this purpose. The exotic looking parrot tulip Estella Rijnveld has red and white splashes on the petals and is a late flowering tulip.

Tulips are developed especially for forcing during winter months in time to bloom very early spring indoors. It is possible to layer different types of spring blooming bulbs in the same pot. Fragrant tulips should be planted where the scent can be appreciated. Gardens near a patio or along a walkway are good choices.

Gardeners can choose hybrids with scented blooms such as the single early Apricot Beauty or look for fragrant triumphs and parrot tulip varieties. Parrot tulips have irregular petals that look curled, twisted, or cut. Some parrot tulips have variegated leaves, adding another look to scented gardens.

May 21, 2012

Finishing Your Relationship Amicably Without Harm

Women, we are easily hurt by those relationships we have that does not work out well. We tend to work on things just to forget about it or sometimes we want to end our lives which will eventually not the solution. How do we end up a relationship in which we will not be hurt so much?
Breaking up and finishing your relationship amicably, or dealing with a divorce in a mutually respectful way. It all becomes more manageable and less messy.
end a relationship
Can anyone be good enough to forget the hurt that has gone through the relationship? This question that must be analyzed between a man and a woman who have ended the relationship they had with one another. How graceful we are to accept the fact that we are not so perfect enough to plan every step in our relationship with a man.
Being dumped is one of the most devastating things that happens in life. Therefore, one should always weigh the reasons for walking out, making sure of this decision before making it final. Once you are sure, though, it's important to remember that your soon-to-be ex was once your love. Although breaking thisrelationship off is certain to be painful, especially for the person being dumped, it's important to be respectful of the other person's feelings, and try hard to do as little damage as possible.
Talk Early and Often – The time of the actual breakup should not be the first time your partner is made aware that you have issues with how things are going. A good friend of mine is fond of saying that relationships are much like driving a car. As long as small steering corrections are made as one rolls down the road, a large jerk of the wheel should never be required.
Always End It in Person – There is nothing more cowardly and pathetic than ending a relationship over the phone, or even worse, through an e-mail or text message. Yet, more and more men are finding this an acceptable medium for cutting ties.
If you can’t handle the prospect of ending a relationship in person, you shouldn’t start one in the first place.
Be Clear – The breakup is not the time to be vague or mysterious. Your lady friend will most likely want some specific reasons why you want to end the relationship, so be ready to provide them. A non-answer like, “I’m just not feeling it anymore,” only shows that you are either a coward or a narcissist, but definitely not a man.You don’t necessarily need a record of wrongs, but having a mental list of things that led you down this road will help the discussion move in the right direction.
Be Considerate – While clarity is necessary, being cruel is not. Breaking up is hard enough without being demeaned or berated in the process. The breakup is not the time to be telling her that the dress she wore on your anniversary actually did make her look fat or that you’ve met dogs with better breath.
No Hanging Chads – No one likes uncertainty. Remember the hanging chad controversy during the 2000 presidential election? The most frustrating aspect of the situation was not being able to tell who citizens had actually voted for. In the same way, men often leave the relationship in an unsettled manner with words that indicate a possibility of picking things up again in the future. Is it over? Is it not? No one knows.
Find yourself a quiet space, perhaps in the bath or some other place you naturally relax. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing slowing down. And when you are nice and relaxed…just begin to imagine watching yourself from the outside looking composed and poised as you calmly tell your partner that it’s over. The more strongly you do this, the more you’ll prime your mind and emotions to feel the right way about doing the right thing. Or let me help you by clicking on the free audio link below.