
Nov 1, 2011

Fuchsia boliviana

Fuchsia boliviana is a species of Fuchsia native to southern Peru, Bolivia and northern Argentina. It is a medium evergreen shrub, growing to 2–4 m tall, rarely to 6 m, with a spreading, open habit. It has large, hairy mid-green leaves and red petioles. It has large drooping corymbs up to 20 cm long born e in late summer and autumn of scarlet red flowers with the individual flowers 3–7 cm long. After flowering it bears small red-purple, edible fruit 10–26 mm long.Fuchsia boliviana is widely grown in shade or part-shade in cooler, subtropical climates. Plants require protection from direct sun and temperatures exceeding 40 °C. The plants are hardy to about -4 °C for short periods. Propagation is by seed or cuttings.

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