The rosemary flower is often overlooked, as these plants are best known for their flavorful leaves – which are most commonly used in food and folk remedies. However, these blossoms have found their own place in storytelling and custom. In some legends, these blooms are said to improve memory, and thus – over time – they have become a large part of both weddings and funerals. Rosemary springs have long been thrown into open graves to show respect for the dead, and to tell them that they will not be forgotten; on the other hand, wreaths and garlands are made of these flowers – which are most frequently worn by the bride – and are retained as a keepsake, so that the couple may always be reminded of their wedding day.
The rosemary flower has also been used in divination and magic. One such example tells of the plant being potted and assigned the name of several potential love interests. The plant that grew healthy and strong belonged to the most suitable candidate. In addition to naming a new love, these blossoms were often used as love charms – cloth dolls were sewn and stuffed with rosemary to attract love; bunches of rosemary sprigs were carried by newly married couples to bring about fertility; while sachets filled with the dried flowers could be placed under a pillow, in a linen drawer or under a doormat to either dream of your next love, bring about the start of a sensual attachment, or attract your lover right to your door.
In addition to symbolizing remembrance, the rosemary flower is said to represent fidelity, as well as constancy and loyalty. These blossoms are most commonly traded between old and new lovers alike – to show that they will always be true to each other. They are also sometimes given to both lovers and friends that have to leave, so as to express the notion that they will always be remembered.
Here in Southern Andalucia the recent sunny weather has brought out the first flowers of the herb Rosemary or Rosmarinus Officionalis which in Latin means"dew of the sea". Wild rosemary on the hillsides flowers alongside the first flush of almond blossom, and makes a welcome flash of colour in the herb garden. This versatile herb is also a useful natural ingredient for both the hair and scalp and also in several skin care preparations.
Its ability to stimulate the circulation helps the skin to eliminate toxins and to regain a healthy sebum production therefore making it ideal for both overly greasy skin problems and extra dry skin irritations, however it is perhaps best known for its wonderful effects on the scalp and hair. For centuries people have been steeping handfuls of this aromatic herb in boiling spring water as a general hair rinse and tonic. Its toning effect on the scalp stimulates the circulation which inturn stimulates hair growth and general hair strength. Macerating the gently crushed herb in an oil of choice such as Olive or Jojoba and then using this oil to massage into the scalp can help to reduce more severe scalp problems such as seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff.
I have recently combined pure locally distilled rosemary essential oil and the algae spirulina in one of my to aid the treatment of overly greasy skin. The concentrated spirulina powder helps to detoxify and also feeds the skin with nutrients, and gives this soap a lovely soft green colour combined with the rosemary oil that stimulates the circulation and is an effective natural anti inflammatory, anti fungal and antiseptic. For an extra skin care tonic after washing with the rosemary and spirulina soap you can tone the skin with an easy to prepare tonic - by just steeping lightly crushed rosemary leaves in witchazel and then gently dabbing this onto the face, before moisturizing if necessary.