Jan 25, 2012

7 Steps Toward Success With Garden Roses

Plant breeders have given us roses that grow well under difficult conditions and bloom almost continuously from early summer to frost. Proper plant nutrition is easy and simple to provide with the use complete plant food that supplies all the vital elements needed from the soil. Insect and disease problems can be prevented easily with regular use of insecticide-fungicide that controls most chewing insects, sucking insects, and fungus diseases. With these aids, you can grow roses successfully.
GOOD STOCK: Buy good plants, preferably No. 1, two years old, field grown and budded plants. Plants that are not pruned should have 3 or more heavy 18-inch canes. Pruned plants should have canes with a diameter of at least 1/4 inch at the top. Plants potted in tar paper pots are preferred by many gardeners since they can be transplanted most any time of the year.
PLANTING: Select a sunny, well-drained location. Trim off all broken and bruised roots, cut top growth back to 6 to 8 inches. Dig planting holes at least 6 inches deeper than needed for the plant roots. Make holes large enough to accommodate roots without crowding or bending. Place a handful of small rocks or pebbles in the bottom of holes to facilitate drainage. Mix 1 tablespoonful of fertilizer with the soil placed over the drainage material. Cover this mixture with plain soil, bringing the level to desired planting depth. Make a mound in the center to receive plant. Set plant roots over this mound, spread roots, and fill in with soil. Firm the soil tightly 2 or 3 times while filling the hole.

FEEDING: Hybrid Tea, Polyantha, Floribunda Types: The first feeding should come in early spring as soon as leaf buds begin to swell. Clear away mulch and work plant food into soil around the plant. Use 1 rounded tablespoonful of fertilizer per plant (or 1 pound per 25 square feet of bed area). Second feeding should be made at the same rate and immediately following the first heavy bloom. Third feeding, also at same rate, should be made in late summer ... northern areas not later than August 15. In soutern areas, where blooming extends into October and November, a fourth feeding should be made about the first of October. Many growers follow a regular monthly feeding program during the growing season with good results.
Tea Roses: Use one half of the above amounts, applying in a similar manner and at the same times.
Hybrid Perpetual, Climbing, Shrub Roses:Feed 1 rounded tablespoonful of fertilizer to each square foot of space around the bush in early spring. Feed again when blooms start to appear. In both cases work the fertilizer lightly into the soil to within 4 inches of the plant.
SUMMER CARE: The cultural practices differ but little in various sections of the country, with exception of timing of operations that depend upon climate. Artificial watering may be necessary if summer rainfall is insufficient. If soil is well drained, there is not much danger of overwatering. When watering, soak the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches ... do not merely sprinkle. CULTIVATION is necessary to eliminate weeds and keep soil loose. Deep cultivation in midsummer is harmful when the roots are close to the surface. MULCHING during the summer will eliminate weeds, necessity of cultivation, and reduce moisture evaporation. Mulches should be applied 2 or 3 weeks before roses come into bloom.

DISEASES AND PESTS: Black-spot, mildew, and blight together with insects, such as aphids, thrips, and red spider, are some of the more troublesome rose disease and insect problems. Control is easy and prevention is practical with the regular use of chemicals, that controls most fungus diseases and chewing and sucking insects. Regular dusting every week or 10 days will make the disease-insect problem easy to handle.
PRUNING: Bush type roses should be pruned in the early spring when the leaf buds begin to swell, but before growth starts. Follow these basic principles:
  1. Remove all wood killed or injured during the winter, cutting back to solid tissue.
  2. Remove all weak, twiggy growth.
  3. Shape plants by cutting strong canes back to -a uniform height, removing as little healthy wood as possible. Remove very old canes by cutting off at the ground level.
  4. Cut ordinary hybrid varieties back to about 18 to 24 inches. Ramblers should be pruned after blooming by removing old unwanted canes at the base.
WINTER PROTECTION: It's not extreme cold that kills roses but rather the frequent alternate freezing and thawing that heaves the plant, thus breaking the roots. The winter sun and dry winds take moisture away from the canes and make winter injury more of a problem. Winter mulching with straw, peat moss, or other material is advisable in all but the extreme southern sections of the United States. This mulch regulates the soil temperature and tempers the effects of freezing and thawing. Pull soil up around each plant to a height of about 6 inches after the first frost, then after the ground is frozen r mulch.

Jan 8, 2012

Do You Love Dahlias?

About Dahlias
Dahlias are a plant that have a seemingly endless classification of flower types. Some are classified as single while others are double and some grow like round balls of petals. The flowers range in size from one inch to a foot in diameter. Likewise the variety of dahlias available to the grower range in height from less than one foot to over seven feet. Dahlia color range is also great and allows you the chance to grow many varieties for different effects in your garden.
Dahlias bllom from midsummer through the first frost of late fall or winter and some even manage to last a bit beyond this. They do great as late bloomers in perennial plantings such as borders, but are also attractive as stand-alone plantings.
Dahlia flowers survive well as cuttings so if you grow them feel free to bring some in to your dining room table. They are both graceful and often explosive with color.

Dahlia will prefer full sun, but will also tolerate light shade. Fertile, rich soil with an abundance of potassium and phosphorus will be appreciated by these flowers. If your soil tends toward acidity then adding lime to your soil can be key to a successful dahlia planting.
Plant new dahlia roots about a week before the date of your average last frost. You will lay them horizontally in a hole about six to eight inches deep. If you will be growing a tall variety you may want to place the stake in the ground at the time of planting the root in order that you do not accidentally hurt the root later when putting a stake in the ground for support.
If you want bushier plants that do not gow as tall you may pinch back dahlias when they are about ten to twelves inches tall.

If you live in an area with frost you will need to dig up the tuberous roots of dahlia and store them over the winter. This chore is not as bad as it sounds as they come up fairly easily.
Pests / Disease
Thrips, mites,aphids and slugs are the most likely pests to take interest in the dahlia in your garden.
There are thousands of cultivars of dahlia and nearly all are superb for cuttings. Cut flowers just before opening to provide the longest term display. With all the varieties available it is possible to make a stunning display of flowers for the table just from dahlia.

Jan 3, 2012

Modern Floral Arrangements Ideas

In today’s day and age there are many uses for modern flower arrangements. Maybe you’re a real estate agent showing off a new home and you want a floral table centerpiece for the dining room table to add more vibrancy to the room. Maybe you’re a wedding planner in search of the perfect decoration for your next wedding or maybe you just want something lovely for your home. Either way modern floral arrangements can perk up any environment and can be enjoyed by everyone. The question though is what kind of flower arrangement is right for you in these modern times?
Modern Floral Arrangements Ideas
Traditional flower arrangements are perfect for traditional purposes but what about occasions or settings that don’t call for tradition? How about a super cool party in need of pizzazz or a new business that thinks outside of the box in need of décor that reflects their business model? Modern flower arrangements are just what the doctor ordered. Why stick with traditional shapes and designs when arranging flowers? With modern floral arrangements there really are no boundaries. The sky is the limit! Here are some ideas when arranging your flowers for these modern times.
Sleek Modern Floral Design
One way to add a modern spin on your flower arranging art is to use a sleek and thin modern floral design. Rather than using a traditional short and stout flower pot or vase, you can try a tall and thin vase. Combine that with a long stem flower such as dried lavender and you have the beginning of a great modern arrangement. Depending on your preference, you can add other elements as well.
Light Up Your Modern Flower Bouquets
When using a transparent vase you can incorporate lights into the modern floral arrangement. Adding string lights to the inside of a vase adds a cool illumination to your arrangement in a dim setting. If you really want to add more complexity to it, try adding glass stones to the vase as well. There are so many colors that you can play with when it comes to glass stones that you’re bound to find a perfect fit.
Modern Floral Isn’t Just All About the Flowers
Yes, you can use other things besides flowers for your modern floral design. The use of wood within an arrangement can add a certain flare depending on the shape of the wood. Small pieces of driftwood are especially fun to work with and other things such as birch bark can be incorporated as well. You can really just have a ball experimenting with non-flower items. They will definitely catch the attention of someone and might make them say “Wow! That is really cool!”